Sandbach Striders

I entered this race early in the year and had planned to use it to try and improve my 10k time to around 58 minutes, but funny how things never seem to go to plan.  I did the race with my daughter and a friend from work whom I had convinced that the race would be easy.

The race itself was well organised and there was ample car parking on the multi-storey car
parks by the Lowry Centre at Salford.  There were adequate toilet facilities but for the first time in my life I witnessed a large queue for the gent’s toilets and not the womens!!
Before the race began there was a mass warm up with a very enthusiastic fitness lady who nearly knocked my friend over!

The race began and ended at the Lowry Centre and we ran via Media City and past Manchester United’s ground.  The only downside was a stretch of road between 6k to 8k when you ran up one side of the road and then back down the other.  There was one water station mid way round which was an extremely welcome site given the hot conditions.  Why is it that every race I seem to do is during a ‘heat wave’.

I had intended to pace myself and was doing quite well up to the 4k mark but then the heat started to get to me and instead of keeping on my target pace, things began to slip until it was all that I could do to keep going!!  Anyway, I managed to finish, very hot and wet due to spilling water all over myself, with a time of 1:03:50, which is about 4 minutes slower than my PB.  Oh well!! Overall it was an enjoyable race with a friendly atmosphere and a goody bag at the end with a t-shirt and an energy bar.

More details can be found here

Jill J