Sandbach Striders

Biddulph Running Club held there annual Knypersley Pool 5 Mile Charity Race on Sunday February 23rd.

Just like that!
This run has been a popular run for fellow striders in the past, and i'd heard good report about it, and having been injured for the past 8 months, this seemed like a nice distance to see where I was with my recovery.

Heather and myself were theĀ  Striders representatives for this run, after picking up Heather we navigated ourselves to Knypersley without mishaps and were there in plenty of time for the 11 o'clock start. On arriving at registration and the start area, it was evident this was going to be a lovely scenic run, but a hilly one. Knypersley pool is located in the Biddulph Moors with a number of lakes, and even though a stones throw from the Stoke superbs, it felt a million miles away.

We gathered for the start at one end of the lake, and started promptly at 11am, 200 runners set of at a pace round the lake, we were soon in for a rude awakening, we had run barely 300 metres when we faced with one of many nasty uphill climbs. After running around most of the circumference of the lake, we departed and went up through the forest for a long half mile climb to the top of the moor. We then ran across several very boggy fields before returning again to the lakeside, for a final lap of the lake back to the finish.

With my body intact, and with two very muddy feet, i crossed the finishing line in 36 mins 30 secs, Heather finished in 46 mins.

This was a lovely run, mainly a trail run, with some cross country very hilly and very well organised but definitely not a PB course, thumbs up for me.

For more information visit the website.

Tony T

Photos courtesy of Bryan Dale.